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5 Tips To Disaster-Proof Your PPC Campaign

By Maximilian Schönherr (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia CommonsApril 16, 2013: Disasters — be they natural or human-made- — are an unpleasant but inevitable reality, and the disruptions of Hurricane Sandy brought home the lesson that organizations need to have policies and practices in place before the next one strikes. So how should organizations prepare? Mark Simon addresses the issue this month in the pages of the Business Marketing Association:

Specific recommendations include:

Avoid single points of failure. A disaster can prevent key personnel from reaching the workplace. So it’s critically important that more than one member of your staff becomes familiar with the workings of the campaign and has administrative privileges. This issue can be critical with in-house SEM teams that already may be understaffed. Make sure that more than one person on staff has “the keys to the car.” You’ll also be prepared for the day when a key staffer moves to another job.

Document your practices. Running efficient PPC campaigns is demanding. The first priority is the achievement of success metrics. Make sure that team leaders are documenting campaign methods and establishing mechanisms to easily share these methods. This provides a crucial backstop against chaos in the event of a disaster and can provide valuable information to help you streamline any inefficiency in your operations.

Prepare for technology failures. Disasters can cause key technology components to fail. Your campaign management system may use multiple technologies that communicate with search engine APIs, and this communication can be disrupted. Make sure you have the ability to run manually or with minimal technology, at least on a temporary basis. It may not be efficient, but you’ll be in the game until normalcy is restored.

Back up your data. Backing up PPC campaign data doesn’t take long and should be part of your routine. Both Google and Bing provide editors that can be locally installed to automatically provide back-up functionality. Use bulk sheets to archive snapshots of your campaigns that can be restored in the event of an emergency.

Drill, baby, drill. Fire drills are mandatory in most business locations for a good reason. It’s critical that people know the location of exits and the protocols for communications. Drilling your teams to uncover their response to a critical loss of human or technology resources will expose gaps and weaknesses in your disaster defenses. This information strengthens your operations against disaster.

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