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Best Practices For Handling Online Leads

December 17, 2013: Most firms say that they take online leads seriously. But the numbers lead us to conclude otherwise.

For example, in 2011, the Harvard Business review tested more than 2000 U.S. companies to see how quickly online leads were handled, and the results were startling. While 37 percent of companies surveyed did respond to online leads within one hour, 24 percent took more than 24 hours to respond, and 23 percent failed to respond at all.

This is nuts, especially in light of a Hubspot survey reporting that companies that rely on online leads are twice as profitable as companies that did not.

In talking about this issue internally, we identified several factors which we think successful organizations use to be successful in achieving quick online lead turnaround. We think our advice is sound, because Didit was recently scored among the top 0.17 percent of U.S. companies in a lead time scoring survey conducted by

Every organization has a different structure and sales method. We’d love to hear about how your organization deals with various challenges related to online lead generation.

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