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Did You Know ‘Guest Blogging’ Can Be a PR & SEO Win?

guest blogging

September 15, 2015: More and more, I’m noticing editors offering “guest blog” opportunities, in which an individual writes a blog to be considered for publication on an external authoritative website/publication. This tactic provides you the opportunity to offer your perspective and/or provide helpful information on a particular topic related to your industry. Brand exposure through a guest blog can help you increase business leads, create new possibilities to engage with qualified audiences, build your brand, and promote thought leadership.

Guest blogging is a tactic that every business owner, CEO and Public Relations professional should add to his/her PR arsenal. Unfortunately, most agencies don’t take advantage of this valuable opportunity. While some call it Content Marketing — because of the visibility and reach of many of these publications — having your guest blog get published is essentially synonymous with a PR press placement!

Not only can guest blogging be a PR win; it can also be great for your SEO (Search Engine Optimization). By sharing content with a website with higher authority than your own, your content and company name may become more visible in online search engines. In addition, this external website may promote your content via its own contact lists and social media platforms, extending the audience reach even further.

Here are some important tips to keep in mind when guest blogging:

Once your guest blog is published, promote it within your own internal network and social media. This approach will help generate more traffic back to the publication that’s running your blog and is also a nice gesture to the pub. Also, check the success of the blog by running Google Analytics to track how much traffic your content generated. This will give you a sense of the topics that readers are most interested in and will help you craft future blogs.

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