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How To Get Attention For Your Marketing (No, this article isn’t about clever subject lines.)

LinkedIn ElevateOctober 8, 2013: It’s an age old problem – one of the biggest issues in marketing. You can lovingly work on your copy, have a great value case for your product, be exactly what your customer needs – but, if you can’t grab their attention for that precious fraction of a second, you might as well as not have created your ad.

Attention is the first portion of the Attention-Interest-Desire-Action (AIDA) sequence. Without attention, advertising simply doesn’t work. Self evident, yes? However, getting attention and making your point without being annoying is trickier than it looks. Further, you want to get the right attention – the only good leads are qualified ones, or so they say in sales. All the attention in the world is worthless if it’s from those who will not convert. Thus, we want relevant attention. In our view, relevancy creates attention and starts the journey down the sales funnel.This is a hard task for smaller scale marketers. The easiest ways of getting good, qualified attention have already been taken up — at least in terms of the search arena — by the major brands. Attempting to compete with large players in the traditional media or PPC arenas is like trying to shout over a marching band where you are alone and have only a kazoo. So, how do we get that attention, that initial notice? Here are a few tactical ideas that can help in getting the initial notice so that we can start customers down the sales funnel –

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