Kevin Lee
February 17, 2014: The idea that marketers should have one — and only one — place to view and adjust their disparate online marketing campaigns, is a seductive vision advocated by academics and deep-thinkers. But there are many practical obstacles to the realization of such a vision, as Didit’s Kevin Lee points out in the pages of Kevin identifies several serious hurdles to the achievement of a workable unified dashboard, including the fact that budgets, staffing, and agencies are still silo’d, the fact that messaging for DR and brand-building is fundamentally different, departmental politics, and the simple but terrifying risk of getting it wrong.
He writes: “It may seem that I’m quite negative about the idea of unified dashboards and analytics. I’m not. They have a place in the toolkit of every marketer. But I recommend that one use these tools – along with common sense – in validating the recommendations a marketing mix or attribution model spits out. Many of these hypotheses can now be split-tested geographically at low cost and low risk. If the model suggests halving your PPC search budget and putting it into social media, test that in a specific region. Then you’ll have achieved a significant milestone, and proved that a budget re-allocation resulted in positive changes.”
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