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“King” Content Has Too Many Wives

By Steve Baldwin | February 20, 2014

“Content is King” is one of the oldest truisms in Internet Marketing. The phrase, which came from an article written by Bill Gates in 1996, has endured because the actual value of content — original, authoritative, shareable content –has  grown materially over the years, thanks to the search engines.

But while everybody agrees that Content is the Web’s ruling monarch, there is absolutely no agreement about who rules alongside him as Queen. Confusion is rampant — even among Internet Marketing Experts: is Conversation the Queen? Data? Integration? Grammar? Voice? Technique?

Everybody seems to have a strong  opinion about the identity of Her Majesty, but these opinions are all over the map — so wildly diverse that we can only conclude that King Content must — like Henry the 8th — have an extraordinarily open-ended, possibly cavalier view of marriage.

Who Do Internet Marketing Experts Think Content’s Queen Is?

Is Content’s Queen merely in the mind of the beholder? Who really shares the realm with King Content? Let us know!

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