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Why Microsoft’s acquisition of LinkedIn makes sense

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June 13, 2016: Microsoft is acquiring LinkedIn for approximately $26 billion, and while it will obviously take a while to bring these two companies together, CEO Satya Nadella and LinkedIn LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner have stated that the acquisition had been in the works for some time, and that the “purpose” and “structure” of both companies are already closely aligned.

Jeff Weiner writes the merger will bring many benefits to LinkedIn’s professional audience, including:

Why this makes sense

1. Quality of audience. While Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, SnapChat et al provide communications services, only LinkedIn has carved out a niche for itself as a place for professional people – and businesses – to network. Today, 94 percent of B2B marketers surveyed reported using LinkedIn; according to the Content Marketing Institute. This huge, pragmatic, goals-oriented audience is already likely using many of Microsoft’s products, especially Outlook and the Office Suite, so bringing them together makes a lot of sense.

2. Content. The acquisition also makes sense from a content standpoint. LinkedIn own, a large repository of training software training content. Microsoft has gigantic libraries of content relating to software and software development. Consolidating these resources and giving them a social layer will make this no-nonsense, goals-based content more valuable. Additionally, LinkedIn has in the past two years positioned itself as a publishing platform, something that Microsoft lacks, but could turbocharge by giving this platform more visibility through its software ecosystem.

3. Targeting. Giving marketers an opportunity to “reach Microsoft users anywhere across the Microsoft ecosystem” vastly extends the possible ways that marketers can reach audiences with relevant messaging. While LinkedIn’s audience is large (400 million), Microsoft’s installed base is more than twice as large (1 billion), and Microsoft’s ad targeting technology is first-rate.

Unlike many social media mergers and acquisitions, which can often seem flaky or wishful, this deal seems solid, mature, and rational. It will be very exciting to watch new services – free or paid – emerge from this new entity, which offers much to LinkedIn’s users as well as Microsoft’s huge global worldwide base.

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Why Microsoft’s acquisition of LinkedIn makes sense
Microsoft has announced that it is acquiring LinkedIn. What does this mean for LinkedIn users?
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