Digital Marketing Blog

12 best quotes about Google’s killing of the Adwords right rail sidebar

February 25, 2016: As reported earlier this week, Google has ditched the right rail sidebar area traditionally allocated to Adwords text ads. The right rail has been part of Google’s results page format since Adwords launched, so this change is — as Donald Trump would put it, “Yuuge.” Consequently, SEOs and PPC managers have been […]

3 principles of effective online branding

February 24, 2016: Branding is a big subject that may seem a bit mysterious to those who do not work in the advertising business. But branding has been around for hundreds of years, its principles are established, and its primary benefits — to distinguish a product, service, or firm in the minds of consumers — […]

Google kills “right rail” Adwords slots

February 22, 2016: Over the weekend, the SEMPost broke the story that Google was retiring– or at least massively de-emphasizing right-rail ads in its results pages for many commercial queries. After a tweet storm broke out over the development — which will shake up many PPC advertisers’ budgets and success metrics — a Google spokesperson […]

Keep a sharp eye on your online business reviews

February 19, 2016: Online reviews have a huge impact on the way the public sees your brand. According to —  a reviews management service — “85 percent of consumers say that they read online reviews for local businesses to determine whether these businesses are good or not.” Consumer-generated reviews of businesses enjoy an especially high […]

Why do so many Long Island companies remain mobile-unfriendly?

February 18, 2016: There’s no question that having a mobile-friendly web site provides tangible competitive advantages to businesses in 2016. Mobile click volume now exceeds desktop click volume in many industry sectors. Google rewards mobile-friendly sites with higher rankings on search results, boosting traffic and conversions. Consumers are increasingly reaching for their mobile phones when […]

Do Facebook ads make search clicks cheaper?

February 11, 2016: A new research paper from Facebook takes a close look at the social network’s ability – through paid posts – to change search behavior. Titled Cross Channel Planning: Making Search Work Harder, the paper summarizes a series of experiments conducted in 2015 using various different consumer sectors, including automotive, financial, and travel […]

Major U.S. PR agencies: who’s fastest on mobile and desktop?

February 10, 2016: Public relations agencies have almost universally hopped on the digital bandwagon, with many taking a “digital-first” approach to influence-building (in fact “digital PR” is becoming a service category in its own right with many firms). At the same time, however, it’s clear that many of the websites — the actual digital homes – of […]

Twitter’s identity crisis and the bigger picture

February 8, 2016: Over the last year or so, Twitter has been struggling with a falling stock, less-than-exciting new features, and a dangerous combination of unhappy users and investors. “The End of Twitter” — an in-depth New Yorker feature – recently lambasted Twitter’s efforts to remain relevant. The drama came to a head this weekend […]

How to get your content shared more often

February 3, 2016: A new research paper from the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism identifying the characteristics of shareable social media content provides insights likely to be eye-opening for many content marketers. It builds on prior research into the properties that make content popular — and in rare cases — viral, particularly the […]

How to speed up a slow PR client

January 28, 2016: Social media — an incredibly important component of PR today — happens at light speed. Timeliness — once defined in days — is now defined in hours and sometimes minutes. Today’s viral superstar might not even be a memory tomorrow.  Everything is ephemeral, “in the moment” and perpetually in flux. For PR […]

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