by Didit Editorial | Feb 10, 2016 | Articles, Content Marketing, Public Relations
February 10, 2016: Public relations agencies have almost universally hopped on the digital bandwagon, with many taking a “digital-first” approach to influence-building (in fact “digital PR” is becoming a service category in its own right with...
by Didit Editorial | Jan 28, 2016 | Articles, Public Relations
January 28, 2016: Social media — an incredibly important component of PR today — happens at light speed. Timeliness — once defined in days — is now defined in hours and sometimes minutes. Today’s viral superstar might not even be a memory...
by Didit Editorial | Dec 15, 2015 | Articles, Content Marketing, Public Relations
Decemer 15, 2015: I might be a stickler when it comes to grammar and spelling, but when it comes to certain writing rules, I’m a rebel. There are three widely-accepted guidelines, in particular, that drive me crazy. These are: 1. Don’t start a sentence with a...
by Didit Editorial | Dec 11, 2015 | Articles, Public Relations
December 11, 2015: I recently read a blog post by an entrepreneur about a service called HARO, which stands for Help a Reporter Out. Subscribers to this free service receive several emails a day that compile lists of media inquiries, categorized by subject. The author...
by Didit Editorial | Dec 3, 2015 | Articles, Public Relations
December 3, 2015: As part of our ongoing interview series on the convergence of SEO and PR, today we interview Carrie Morgan. Carrie and I originally met at Viveka Von Rosen’s #linkeinchat. Carrie Morgan hosts #prprochat, and runs her own PR firm, Rock The Status Quo,...
by Didit Editorial | Nov 2, 2015 | Articles, Interviews, Public Relations, SEO
November 2, 2015: Tony Wright is an experienced PR veteran who led the crisis response team for American Airlines in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. He’s CEO of WrightIMC, a Texas-based interactive agency, and is a digital native who’s been both witness to and...